Every Time Zone Converter (2024)

August 16 – 21

3:53 pm current local time

3:53 pm your local time

🇺🇸 Pacific Time (US)

5:00 am

August 16

August 17

August 18

August 19

August 20

August 21

🇺🇸 Mountain Time (US)

6:00 am

August 16

August 17

August 18

August 19

August 20

August 21

🇺🇸 Central Time (US)

7:00 am

August 16

August 17

August 18

August 19

August 20

August 21

🇺🇸 Eastern Time (US)

8:00 am

🇧🇷 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
-03 UTC-3

9:00 am

August 16

August 17

August 18

August 19

August 20

August 21


12:00 pm

August 16

August 17

August 18

August 19

August 20

August 21

🇬🇧 London, United Kingdom

1:00 pm

August 16

August 17

August 18

August 19

August 20

August 21

🇩🇪 Berlin, Germany

2:00 pm

August 16

August 17

August 18

August 19

August 20

August 21

🇷🇺 Moscow, Russian Federation

3:00 pm

August 16

August 17

August 18

August 19

August 20

August 21

🇦🇪 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
+04 UTC+4

4:00 pm

August 16

August 17

August 18

August 19

August 20

August 21

🇮🇳 Mumbai, India
IST UTC+5:30

5:30 pm

August 16

August 17

August 18

August 19

August 20

August 21

🇸🇬 Singapore, Singapore
+08 UTC+8

8:00 pm

August 16

August 17

August 18

August 19

August 20

August 21

🇨🇳 Beijing, China

8:00 pm

August 16

August 17

August 18

August 19

August 20

August 21

🇨🇳 China Time, China

8:00 pm

August 16

August 17

August 18

August 19

August 20

August 21

🇯🇵 Tokyo, Japan

9:00 pm

August 16

August 17

August 18

August 19

August 20

August 21

🇦🇺 Sydney, Australia

10:00 pm

August 16

August 17

August 18

August 19

August 20

August 21

🇳🇿 Auckland, New Zealand

12:00 am

August 16

August 17

August 18

August 19

August 20

August 21

Convert timezones and find the best time for your meeting in (GMT-12:00) International Date Line West, (GMT-11:00) American Samoa, (GMT-11:00) Midway Island, (GMT-10:00) Hawaii, (GMT-09:00) Alaska, (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada), (GMT-08:00) Tijuana, (GMT-07:00) Arizona, (GMT-07:00) Mazatlan, (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada), (GMT-06:00) Central America, (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada), (GMT-06:00) Chihuahua, (GMT-06:00) Guadalajara, (GMT-06:00) Mexico City, (GMT-06:00) Monterrey, (GMT-06:00) Saskatchewan, (GMT-05:00) Bogota, (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada), (GMT-05:00) Indiana (East), (GMT-05:00) Lima, (GMT-05:00) Quito, (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada), (GMT-04:00) Caracas, (GMT-04:00) Georgetown, (GMT-04:00) La Paz, (GMT-04:00) Puerto Rico, (GMT-04:00) Santiago, (GMT-03:30) Newfoundland, (GMT-03:00) Brasilia, (GMT-03:00) Buenos Aires, (GMT-03:00) Montevideo, (GMT-02:00) Greenland, (GMT-02:00) Mid-Atlantic, (GMT-01:00) Azores, (GMT-01:00) Cape Verde Is., (GMT+00:00) Edinburgh, (GMT+00:00) Lisbon, (GMT+00:00) London, (GMT+00:00) Monrovia, (GMT+00:00) UTC, (GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, (GMT+01:00) Belgrade, (GMT+01:00) Berlin, (GMT+01:00) Bern, (GMT+01:00) Bratislava, (GMT+01:00) Brussels, (GMT+01:00) Budapest, (GMT+01:00) Casablanca, (GMT+01:00) Copenhagen, (GMT+01:00) Dublin, (GMT+01:00) Ljubljana, (GMT+01:00) Madrid, (GMT+01:00) Paris, (GMT+01:00) Prague, (GMT+01:00) Rome, (GMT+01:00) Sarajevo, (GMT+01:00) Skopje, (GMT+01:00) Stockholm, (GMT+01:00) Vienna, (GMT+01:00) Warsaw, (GMT+01:00) West Central Africa, (GMT+01:00) Zagreb, (GMT+01:00) Zurich, (GMT+02:00) Athens, (GMT+02:00) Bucharest, (GMT+02:00) Cairo, (GMT+02:00) Harare, (GMT+02:00) Helsinki, (GMT+02:00) Jerusalem, (GMT+02:00) Kaliningrad, (GMT+02:00) Kyiv, (GMT+02:00) Pretoria, (GMT+02:00) Riga, (GMT+02:00) Sofia, (GMT+02:00) Tallinn, (GMT+02:00) Vilnius, (GMT+03:00) Baghdad, (GMT+03:00) Istanbul, (GMT+03:00) Kuwait, (GMT+03:00) Minsk, (GMT+03:00) Moscow, (GMT+03:00) Nairobi, (GMT+03:00) Riyadh, (GMT+03:00) St. Petersburg, (GMT+03:00) Volgograd, (GMT+03:30) Tehran, (GMT+04:00) Abu Dhabi, (GMT+04:00) Baku, (GMT+04:00) Muscat, (GMT+04:00) Samara, (GMT+04:00) Tbilisi, (GMT+04:00) Yerevan, (GMT+04:30) Kabul, (GMT+05:00) Ekaterinburg, (GMT+05:00) Islamabad, (GMT+05:00) Karachi, (GMT+05:00) Tashkent, (GMT+05:30) Chennai, (GMT+05:30) Kolkata, (GMT+05:30) Mumbai, (GMT+05:30) New Delhi, (GMT+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura, (GMT+05:45) Kathmandu, (GMT+06:00) Almaty, (GMT+06:00) Astana, (GMT+06:00) Dhaka, (GMT+06:00) Urumqi, (GMT+06:30) Rangoon, (GMT+07:00) Bangkok, (GMT+07:00) Hanoi, (GMT+07:00) Jakarta, (GMT+07:00) Krasnoyarsk, (GMT+07:00) Novosibirsk, (GMT+08:00) Beijing, (GMT+08:00) Chongqing, (GMT+08:00) Hong Kong, (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, (GMT+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, (GMT+08:00) Perth, (GMT+08:00) Singapore, (GMT+08:00) Taipei, (GMT+08:00) Ulaanbaatar, (GMT+09:00) Osaka, (GMT+09:00) Sapporo, (GMT+09:00) Seoul, (GMT+09:00) Tokyo, (GMT+09:00) Yakutsk, (GMT+09:30) Adelaide, (GMT+09:30) Darwin, (GMT+10:00) Brisbane, (GMT+10:00) Canberra, (GMT+10:00) Guam, (GMT+10:00) Hobart, (GMT+10:00) Melbourne, (GMT+10:00) Port Moresby, (GMT+10:00) Sydney, (GMT+10:00) Vladivostok, (GMT+11:00) Magadan, (GMT+11:00) New Caledonia, (GMT+11:00) Solomon Is., (GMT+11:00) Srednekolymsk, (GMT+12:00) Auckland, (GMT+12:00) Fiji, (GMT+12:00) Kamchatka, (GMT+12:00) Marshall Is., (GMT+12:00) Wellington, (GMT+12:45) Chatham Is., (GMT+13:00) Nuku'alofa, (GMT+13:00) Samoa, and (GMT+13:00) Tokelau Is..

Every Time Zone Converter (2024)


How are there 26 time zones? ›

So, if it's Noon in the West, its 2 p.m. in the East, and the calendar date is the same in all three island groups. This was a sensible arrangement for Kiribati, given the circ*mstances, but it did create the oddity of plus 13 and plus 14 hour time zones, making a world total of 26 hourly time zones, instead of 24.

How does the US have 11 time zones? ›

There are 9 time zones by law in the USA and its dependencies. However, adding the time zones of 2 uninhabited US territories, Howland Island and Baker Island, brings the total count to 11 time zones. The contiguous US has 4 standard time zones.

Is every time zone 1 hour? ›

As each time zone is 1 hour apart, we could expect that in the world there were 24 time zones, however, several time zones are separated by 30 and 45 minutes, so the total number of time zones is 40.

How are the 24 time zones? ›

As Earth rotates on its axis, it moves about 15 degrees every 60 minutes. After 24 hours, it has completed a full rotation of 360 degrees. The scientists used this information to divide the planet into 24 sections or time zones. Each time zone is 15 degrees of longitude wide.

Are there 24 or 37 time zones? ›

It took many decades before all time zones were based on some "standard offset" from GMT and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Today, there are 37 different local times in use.

Do 30 minute time zones exist? ›

By 1929, the majority of countries had adopted hourly time zones, though some countries such as Iran, India, Myanmar and parts of Australia had time zones with a 30-minute offset. Nepal was the last country to adopt a standard offset, shifting slightly to UTC+05:45 in 1986.

Are there 24 or 40 time zones? ›

This means that there are approximately 40 time zones rather than 24.

Do any US states have 3 time zones? ›

None of the 50 US states have three time zones. However, there are some states with two time zones. These are: Alaska (Alaska and Hawaii-Aleutian)

How many time zones does China have? ›

Complete answer: The People's Republic of China spans geographically across five different time zones when measured from the Greenwich Mean time or the Universal Coordinated time as the case may be. However, the country observes one time across all the extent of the territory of China.

Why is it 30 minutes off? ›

Ideally, time zones would be slices of Earth's surface 15 degrees of longitude wide that keep the same time. However, some countries and parts of countries have decided that being within a specific time zone is not preferable and have chosen offsets of 30 minutes or even 45 minutes.

What country is 24 hours ahead of the USA? ›

None if you compare time with all the USA 50 States. American Samoa is the only contender for the comparison year round and Kiribati, Tonga as well New Zealand (for Tokelau) are all 24 hours ahead of American Samoa all year round.

Why is Newfoundland 30 minutes off? ›

While not the only place in the world to use a half-hour time zone, Newfoundland (and some of Labrador) are the only places in North America deviate from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) by a half-hour increment. The time zone is the result of political will. It was likely influenced by the fact the capital, St.

Who invented time zones? ›

Sir Sanford Fleming, a Canadian engineer, was the first person to propose the use of worldwide time zones back in 1878. His idea was to divide the world into 24 time zones that were each 15 degrees of longitude apart. The reason for this is that the earth rotates 15 degrees every hour, or 360 degrees in 24 hours.

What is the biggest time difference in the world? ›

You can see that the most extreme time zones are +14 hours at Line Islands (Kiribati), and -12 hours in and around Baker Islands (US). Therefore, the maximum possible difference between times on Earth is 26 hours. That means that at 11:00 PM of a Monday in Baker Island, it is 1:00 AM of a Wednesday in Line Islands.

How many time zones does Russia have? ›

Russia currently observes eleven time zones, ranging from UTC+02:00 to UTC+12:00. Since October 26, 2014, Russia has not used daylight saving time (DST).

How many time zones are on Earth Why? ›

There are 24 regions (Time Zones) around the world with a time difference of one hour. This system has been adopted internationally by setting the total time difference around the world as 24 hours.

How were time zones created? ›

Sir Sanford Fleming, a Canadian engineer, was the first person to propose the use of worldwide time zones back in 1878. His idea was to divide the world into 24 time zones that were each 15 degrees of longitude apart. The reason for this is that the earth rotates 15 degrees every hour, or 360 degrees in 24 hours.

What time zone is uninhabited? ›

Characteristics of UTC−12:00

No inhabited territory lie within this time zone offset, either as standard time or daylight saving time.

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.